Apostle Lawal Suleiman

A mighty outpouring of the Spirit is coming, yea! It has started...

The former(early rain) and the latter rain.
Contrary to popular opinion. Wars, rumors of wars, famine and chaotic events around the globe, are not the major indicator for marking the last days(we are the answer to the wars).
The Bible uses the outpouring of the Spirit as the means by which heaven opened the new calendar, called -THE LAST DAYS. Notice the Bible didn't say last day, but LAST DAYS... A major epoch in human history.

Pentecost- the early rain.
The concept of the former and latter rain can be deeply understood, by looking closely at the weather pattern of the nation of Israel. There is the early rain, that ushers in planting season and gestation period. There is also the latter rain, it ushers in the time for harvest...
After the Spirit was first poured out on the day of Pentecost, peter stood up to announce..."For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel"...
Peter was announcing the fulfilment of the prophesy given by prophet Joel. But what happened on that day of Pentecost, was the early rain. This was the rain that ushered in a new season in the history of man kind. This rain ushered in a planting season...yes Pentecost was just the planting season.
The Bible said the outpouring will come upon all flesh, but on the day of Pentecost, it started with 120 which is a prophetic number( remember they were also 120 priest with instruments of music in Solomons temple when the glory came).

The latter rain...
Unlike the early rain, the day of Pentecost. This former rain will not happen in a building with few people. This outpouring will come upon regions... The early rain( Pentecost rain) gave a harvest of 3000(minus women and children) in one day. This latter rain will give a harvest of regions, countries and believe me continents. This rain is like a strong tsunami, sweeping through regions and continents. I am talking Iraq, Iran, Pakistan... Yes a nation can be harvested in a day.

The Rain-  the former and the latter rain
"for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month".

There is a generation, that has a promise of overlapping seasons. The Bible speaks of The rain- a combination of the early and former rain in the same season. Remember, the early rain ushers in the planting season, while the latter rain, the harvest season. When these two rain meets and fall in the same season, the time lapse between the early(seed time) and latter rain(harvest time) is eliminated. So that " the the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that sows seed"...
When the two raining seasons overlaps, "the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested" (NLT).

Harvest speed...
"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
In the natural it will take four months, after the early rain, before the former rain comes to prepare harvest. But Jesus was teaching his disciples a mystery, how that harvest can be gotten the moment the seed hits the ground, when seasons of rain overlaps. When the former and latter rain seasons meet, time is taken out of the equation, and things grow at the speed of light.

I say again! There is a glory storm coming, it is the combination of the former and the latter rain, falling at the same time, bringing seed and harvest in a moment.

Suleiman Lawal
GloryHub Int'l Ministries

Melvin Iyoriobhe. RELIGION VS LIFE;

Over the years we have all very much celebrated various religion in the world and their impart to our society and nation. Many religions have helped to keep discipline in our society by their various laws and regulations follow by their followers.
Many religions have been a plus to our nations and society. Is always nice to see religious folks especially those who are committed to what they believers.
Religion is a cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. Religion involves a lot of practices which are deep and never really possible.
Religion tries to make you become who you won't be so what happen is that you are in a fixed between two life and you are neither living either of them. There are millions of religions in the world of which we put in Christianity as one of the popular once. But I will love to make a short contrast between RELIGION AND LIFE. Christianity is not and has never been a religion. Christianity is LIFE.
At salvation, we don't try to be JESUS, because we are already Jesus. His life is domiciled in us. Is a deep truth that only the Spirit of God can make clear to us.
When we receive Christ, what we actually mean is that we have received life. Without that life Christ gives we are all dead in sin and are living in darkness. In Christianity, we are not trying to follow religious laws to be like Christ No not at all. We are Christ because we carry his life. Galatians 3:27 [27]For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Religion gives you laws. Christ gives you life. Religion makes you a slave. Christ makes you free. Religions says do to be perfect, Christ says to believe to be perfect.
Many at times we try to keep the laws of our religion, but we just can't because they are too much, but if we can embrace the love of God reveal via Christ the chains of religion will be broken over us, and we will enjoy that very life of Christ.
Religion makes you unsocial, Christ makes you associate to win others. Religion makes you feel you are a sinner. Christ makes you righteous. Religion teaches you how to stereotype your life to dogmas, Christ teach you how to live in love. Religion is selfish, Christ is selfless. Religion kills, Christ gives life. Religion is earthly, Christ is heavenly. For those who have accepted Christ (life) and still wish or are still living under religion you are depriving yourself of your life and living as a dead man.
If you are too ''sin'' conscious, you can't be Christ conscious.
You have been free from that cage of bondage and is time to live the life of Christ. The only law you are expected to keep is to LOVE. The only thing you are indebted to any man is LOVE. Christ first and last commandment to you is LOVE. Stop giving yourselves laws Christ who is the head of the body the church haven't given to you. Don't allow a man make you follow his dogma when Christ have given you just one law to keep and follow which is LOVE. You can't enjoy this life under the walls of religion.

If you are religious, you can't be “Christocentric”.

You can't say you have the life of Christ and allow men imprison you with another gospel.
Is either you are in religion or life, which are you? I choose to stay in life and therefore put away every form of religion no matter how sweet it might seem.
I unapologetically say am Christocentric and have nothing to do with religion. I don't have a religion. I have a life. CHRIST IS MY LIFE.
God bless you.



In these days and time if you have so much concern for pulpit kind of manifestations you are behind schedule.
The reality of our manifestation as a people in the days that is coming is not a household stuff. It is far more than the move of power.
There is a mystical dimension of the baptism of Wisdom
that would make the Kings of the earth to seek for us,
that is the manifestation that we would be exploring in these days and times coming.
It is very critical for us to know that the manifestation of the Sons of God is not about the move of Power only.
The end time manifestation is  going to be characterized by  a great movement  of  WISDOM AND GREAT INTELLECTUAL ABILITY

Wisdom to be able to control *The affairs of men*, where dark decisions for generations are needed they will call upon the sons of God to check and bring direction.
*Intellectual move:* strange kind of inventions and innovations that can alter the theories of experts in the scientific world.
A strange intellectual ability that will effortlessly bring out different dimensions of technology that even the mightiest among scientific men have never captured.

*These are few of the manifestations that we are talking about apart from the miraculous (which is going to be normal )*

Signs and wonders will be following the sons of God but they should truly be concerned  for the manifestations that will give solutions to people without a cathedral.
That is the manifestation that will disgrace and cripple the current civilization that Babylon has pioneered.

I see openings for  invention of machines,
I see great mystical intellectual sons of God manifesting and taking different spheres
I see men with mystical  dimensions of wisdom that can cripple our current currencies (money), they won't be trying to make money but will by wisdom take money out.
They are sons of God with civilization of Zion, highly intellectual and mystically filled with  wisdom.

The manifestations of the end time sons is not going to be in a cathedral or gigantic edifice BUT in spheres of influence.

I shut it here

The witness
John De Liberty


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