Apostle Lawal Suleiman
A mighty outpouring of the Spirit is coming, yea! It has started... The former(early rain) and the latter rain. Contrary to popular opinion. Wars, rumors of wars, famine and chaotic events around the globe, are not the major indicator for marking the last days(we are the answer to the wars). The Bible uses the outpouring of the Spirit as the means by which heaven opened the new calendar, called -THE LAST DAYS. Notice the Bible didn't say last day, but LAST DAYS... A major epoch in human history. Pentecost- the early rain. The concept of the former and latter rain can be deeply understood, by looking closely at the weather pattern of the nation of Israel. There is the early rain, that ushers in planting season and gestation period. There is also the latter rain, it ushers in the time for harvest... After the Spirit was first poured out on the day of Pentecost, peter stood up to announce..."For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of...