Melvin Iyoriobhe. RELIGION VS LIFE;

Over the years we have all very much celebrated various religion in the world and their impart to our society and nation. Many religions have helped to keep discipline in our society by their various laws and regulations follow by their followers.
Many religions have been a plus to our nations and society. Is always nice to see religious folks especially those who are committed to what they believers.
Religion is a cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. Religion involves a lot of practices which are deep and never really possible.
Religion tries to make you become who you won't be so what happen is that you are in a fixed between two life and you are neither living either of them. There are millions of religions in the world of which we put in Christianity as one of the popular once. But I will love to make a short contrast between RELIGION AND LIFE. Christianity is not and has never been a religion. Christianity is LIFE.
At salvation, we don't try to be JESUS, because we are already Jesus. His life is domiciled in us. Is a deep truth that only the Spirit of God can make clear to us.
When we receive Christ, what we actually mean is that we have received life. Without that life Christ gives we are all dead in sin and are living in darkness. In Christianity, we are not trying to follow religious laws to be like Christ No not at all. We are Christ because we carry his life. Galatians 3:27 [27]For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Religion gives you laws. Christ gives you life. Religion makes you a slave. Christ makes you free. Religions says do to be perfect, Christ says to believe to be perfect.
Many at times we try to keep the laws of our religion, but we just can't because they are too much, but if we can embrace the love of God reveal via Christ the chains of religion will be broken over us, and we will enjoy that very life of Christ.
Religion makes you unsocial, Christ makes you associate to win others. Religion makes you feel you are a sinner. Christ makes you righteous. Religion teaches you how to stereotype your life to dogmas, Christ teach you how to live in love. Religion is selfish, Christ is selfless. Religion kills, Christ gives life. Religion is earthly, Christ is heavenly. For those who have accepted Christ (life) and still wish or are still living under religion you are depriving yourself of your life and living as a dead man.
If you are too ''sin'' conscious, you can't be Christ conscious.
You have been free from that cage of bondage and is time to live the life of Christ. The only law you are expected to keep is to LOVE. The only thing you are indebted to any man is LOVE. Christ first and last commandment to you is LOVE. Stop giving yourselves laws Christ who is the head of the body the church haven't given to you. Don't allow a man make you follow his dogma when Christ have given you just one law to keep and follow which is LOVE. You can't enjoy this life under the walls of religion.

If you are religious, you can't be “Christocentric”.

You can't say you have the life of Christ and allow men imprison you with another gospel.
Is either you are in religion or life, which are you? I choose to stay in life and therefore put away every form of religion no matter how sweet it might seem.
I unapologetically say am Christocentric and have nothing to do with religion. I don't have a religion. I have a life. CHRIST IS MY LIFE.
God bless you.

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