Apostle Lawal Suleiman

The realm of the Spirit has more order than the physical realm.
Spirits operate by iron laws.

No spirit can operate or manifest around a person until the environment for their operation/manifestation is created...
You created the environment for whatever spirit is manifesting around you now...
🤔 about it.

When you spend time watching pornography, it doesn't end when you finished watching. You just created the environment for the spirit of lust and other spirit to find expression. Music is another means by which Satan uploads things into this realm. Music creates atmospheres for manifestation/operation. Being intentional about the kind of music you hear is one great good you can ever do to yourself.

The same is true with the angelic realm and the HolySpirit. When you start studying extensively, praying and watching videos on the HolySpirit and Angels, you create the environment for manifestation... Selah


  1. And this has blessed my heart.

    We'd keep creating only atmospheres of sincere worship such that Angels and the Holy Spirit finds conducive atmospheres to have expressions through/in us!


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